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JULY, 1942(1 / 1)

wednesday, july 1, 1942

dearest kitty,

until today i holy couldnt find the time to write you. i was with friends all day thursday, we had pany on friday, and thats how it went until today.

hello and i have gotten to know each other very well this past week, aold me a lot about his life. he es from gelsenkir and is living with his grandparents. his parents are in belgium, but theres no way he get there. hello used to have a girlfriend named ursula. i know her too. shes perfectly sweet and perfectly b. ever since he met me, hello has realized that hes been falling asleep at ursuls side. so im kind of a pep tonic. you never know what yood for!

jacque spent saturday night here. sunday afternoon she was at hannelis, and i was bored stiff.

hello was supposed to e over that evening, but he called around six. i answered the phone, and he said, "this is helmuth silberberg. may i please speak to anne?"

"oh, hello. this is anne.”

"oh, hi, anne. how are you?" “


"i just wao say im sorry but i t e tonight, though i would like to have a word with you. is it all right if i e by and pick you up in about ten minutes "yes, thats fine. bye-bye!”

"okay, ill be right over. bye-bye!”

i hung up, quickly ged my clothes and fixed my hair. i was so nervous i leaned out the window to watch for him. he finally showed up. mirairacles, i didnt rush dowairs, but waited quietly until he rang the bell. i went down to open the door, a right to the point.

"anne, my grandmother thinks youre too young for me to be seeing you on a regular basis. she says i should be going to the lowenbachs, but you probably know that im not going out with ursul anymore.”

"no, i didnt know. what happened? did you two have a fight?”

"no, nothing like that. i told ursul that we werent suited to each other and so it was better for us not to go together anymore, but that she was wele at my house and i hoped i would be wele at hers. actually, i thought ursul was hanging around with another boy, and i treated her as if she were. but that wasnt true. and then my uncle said i should apologize to her, but of course i didnt feel like it, and thats why i broke up with her. but that was just one of the reasons.

"now my grandmother wants me to see ursul and not you, but i dont agree and im not going to. sometimes old people have really old-fashioned ideas, but that doesnt mean i have to go along with them. i need my gran


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