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MAY, 1944(1 / 1)

tuesday, may 2, 1944

dearest kitty,

saturday night i asked peter whether he thinks i should tell father about us. after wed discussed it, he said he thought i should. i was glad; it shows hes sensible, aive. as soon as i came downstairs, i went with father to get some water. while we were oairs, i said, "father, im sure youve gathered that wheer and i are together, we doly sit at opposite ends of the room. do you think thats wrong?”

father paused before answering: "no, i dont think its wrong. but anne, when youre living so close together, as we do, you have to be careful." he said some other words to that effect, and then we went upstairs.

sunday m he called me to him and said, "anne, ive been thinking about what you said." (oh, oh, i knew what was ing!) "here in the as not such a good idea. i thought you were just friends. is peter in love with you?”

"of course not," i answered.

"well, you know i uand both of you. but you must be the oo show restraint;

dont go upstairs so often, dont ence him more than you help. in matters like these, its always the man who takes the active role, and its up to the woman to set the limits. outside, where youre free, things are quite different. you see other boys and girls, you go outdoors, take part in sports and all kinds of activities. but here, if youre together too mud want to get away, you t. you see each other every hour of the day-all the time, in fact. be careful, anne, and dont take it too seriously!

"i dont, father, but peters a det boy, a nice boy.”

"yes, but he doesnt have much strength of character. he easily be influeo do good, but also to do bad. i hope for his sake that he stays good, because hes basically a good person."

we talked some more and agreed that father would speak to him too.

sunday afternoon when we were in the front attic, peter asked, "have you talked to your father yet, anne?”

"yes," i replied, "ill tell you all about it. he doesnt think its wrong, but he says that here, where were in such close quarters, it could lead to flicts.”

"weve already agreed not to quarrel, and i plan to keep my promise.”

"me too, peter. but father didnt think we were serious, he thought we were just friends. do you thiill be?”

"yes, i do. how about you?”

"me too. i also told father that i trust you. i do trust you, peter, just as much as i do father. and i think youre worthy of my trust. you are, arent you?”


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